Subject: GMIDI: Until Then Author: Kip Reitz Uploaded By: Kipper269 Date: 8/22/1999 File: TILTHEN.MID (14873 bytes) Estimated Download Time (60658 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 644 Equipment: MIDI Interface & Multitimbral Synth. or MIDI-compatible Sound Card Needs: MIDI Sequencer Software or .MID File Player Keywords: Reitz, Original, Piano, Ballad, GM, General, MID, FD Type: Freely Distributed Total Instruments: 2 Sequenced For: General MIDI Playing Time: 2:48 This is a nicely-done original ballad entitled "Until Then." This file is in Standard MIDI (Type 1) format. Author's Notes: I'm a soldier, and my unit leaves for Bosnia tomorrow. Many times, civilians ask me what if feels like to leave my family and go where the Army tells me for months on end. How do I cope with the fact that my daughters are growing up without me there, that my wife has to sleep alone, etc.? This song tries to convey what it feels like. Note: This sequence can be used with non-GM synths by loading it into a sequencer and re-assigning the Program Change and MIDI Channel data to meet the requirements of your equipment.